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  • Writer's pictureDavid Carlson

February 23, 2024: We remember how you loved us all your lives...and so we celebrate the gifts you prodigally bestowed upon us.

Friday, February 23, 2024: We remember how you loved us all your lives...and so we celebrate the gifts you prodigally bestowed upon us.

This Sunday we remember those who have come before us, saw us for who we truly are and loved us (sometimes in spite of ourselves). These are friends and companions on the road who have passed, but continue to walk with us on our path to Emmaus. They inspire us still and we celebrate their presence in our lives. Some of them are unknown to us. And so this Sunday we will share their impact on each of us -- in a sentence or two and perhaps impart their wisdom as we continue to build our Blessed Community. None of these individuals was perfect - as they would all confirm. But they worked to transform themselves into more loving, compassionate and graceful people. We miss them and their varied spirits. But we are richer for the gifts they bestowed upon us so willingly so prodigally. Alice and Marcie will lead us this Sunday.

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