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We Christians agree: A different world is possible. Not only that, we are convinced that this new world has already begun. We will meet him in the least of his brothers and sisters, like the migrants, and in the breaking of the bread. - Dean Brackley, SJ


May God bless us with enough foolishness to believe we can make a difference in this world, so that we can do what others claim cannot be done; to be a source of compassion, justice and kindness. Our blessing is ourselves.

This is our table and we welcome everyone here. If you are tired you belong.  Angry at injustice? You'll fit right in. Frustrated that we can't seem to get along? Join in. We don't all agree with each other but we do love one another and are ready to share our joy.

We are all volunteers at Emmaus and some of us have agreed to lead our celebrations. It takes time to create a liturgy that resonates but we share the responsibility.


Some of our best homilies are in dialogue form. People open their hearts and share their stories. 

Each celebration ends with a potluck. There have been times when we had a few regular dishes and lots of desserts. Other times the opposite. But no matter what, we make time to sit together and enjoy a glass of wine and conversation. It's the perfect end to our day. 

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