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  • Writer's pictureDavid Carlson

September 24, 2023 Let's Celebrate TODAY at Emmaus

Updated: May 4

September 24, 2023 Let's Celebrate TODAY at Emmaus

​We meet in Person and on ZOOM:

We gather at 3:45 pm. Our celebration begins at 4:00 pm. followed by an amazing potluck. All are welcome!

In Person: We meet at

Knox Presbyterian & Thanksgiving Lutheran Churches

1650 W. Third St.

Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Join Zoom Meeting Passcode: 1234

Meeting ID: 519 315 8573 One tap mobile +16699006833,,5193158573# US (San Jose)

Emmaus Celebration for Sunday, September 24, 2023

Presence —By Night

Reflection- Jim McFadden

Opening Song: By Night

By night we hasten in darkness to seek for the living water. Only our thirst leads us onwards, only our thirst leads us onwards.

Greeting: A Call for being together in the Spirit and The Risen Jesus

Jim: This is our sacred time to connect with each other in the presence of the Divine.

All: We come together in unity, trusting that we are truly one in the Spirit and the Risen Jesus.

Jim: Let us open our hearts to receive grace anew as we share in these holy moments.

All: With open hearts we sense a deeper connection with the Spirit of God/ the Risen Jesus and each other.

Jim: May the Spirit of God and the Risen Christ be vitally present in our midst.

All: Even as we bring forth the best that is within us.

Jim: We are blessed to be together for this time.

All: Let the blessing flow.

Opening Prayer: JoAnn

Gracious and loving God, we join our hearts and minds in this meeting place in expectation that you will meet us here. Enrich us with your grace in such a way that we experience again Our connection with you, with each other, with all of life: plants, trees birds, animals, fish, insects, rivers, lakes, ocean, rocks and with ourselves.

From this deep well of belonging may we then welcome all the dimensions of life and meet whatever comes with courage and grace on our road to Emmaus and eventually home to you. Grant us wisdom and inspiration in this day and for this time.

All: Amen


First Reading: Luis Janssen T.S. Elliot

I said to my soul, be still, and let the dark come upon you Which shall be the darkness of God. I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting. Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.

Gospel Proclaimed- Jim McFadden: Gospel of Thomas

(taken from Apocalypse Anytime by Carolyn Baker)

Yeshua (Jesus) says…

If you are searching you must not stop until you find,

When you find, however, you will become troubled.

Your confusion will give way to wonder.

In wonder you will reign over all things.

Your sovereignty will be your rest.

Dialogue Homily-Jim

Some questions for reflection

1. What are your griefs and where do they live in your body?

2. How do you sit with your grief/s?

Prayer of the Faithful- What do we bring to the table…(spoken with usual hand gestures)

Offering: John- Offering of our hands, toil and the sweat of our brows. (Basket)

OFFERTORY Song: O Lord Hear My Prayer

O Lord Hear My Prayer (2x) When I call, answer me.

O Lord Hear My Prayer (2x) Come and listen to me.

Liturgy of the Eucharist

JoAnn: On the night before he died, Jesus was at table with his friends.

He took bread, gave thanks to you, broke it, and gave it to his friends saying

All: This is my body, broken for you.

Pat: As supper was ending, Jesus took the cup of wine. Again, he gave thanks to you, gave it to his friends and said,

All: This cup is the new covenant of my lifeblood shed for you and for all. And as often as you do this, you do this in memory of me.

Acclamation: (Sung)

All: We remember how you loved us all your life.

And now we celebrate for you are with us here.

And we believe that we will see you when you come, when you come again. We remember! We celebrate! We believe

JoAnn: Now, gathered at your table, we offer to you our gifts of bread and wine, and ourselves, a living sacrifice. Pour out your Spirit upon all these gifts that they, and we, may be the Body and Blood of Christ. Breathe your Spirit over the whole earth and make us your new creation.

Pat: In the fullness of time bring us with all your saints from every tribe and language, from

every people and nation to feast at the banquet prepared from the foundation of the world.

JoAnn and Pat: (Holding up the bread and wine)

Through him, with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and

honor is yours, O Gracious God, now and forever.

All: Amen

Pat: Now together, as one community, we offer to you O God, our prayer, in the name of

your beloved son and our brother, Jesus:

All: Our Mother, Our Father, Giver of Life, holy and sacred is your name.

Let your kinship with us on earth strive to be as it was created to be that we all would live as one.

We are grateful that we have you as our life-giving sustenance of body and spirit.

We are humbled by your unfailing forgiveness no matter our faults and failings.

Teach us to offer unconditional kindness and love to others.

You do not leave us comfortless and wandering in the desert. You guide us down the paths away from harm and folly, knowing you lift us up when we falter.

We long to be in faithful communion with you. We long to feel the presence of your Holy Spirit moving and working in us in all we do. We long to have your light shining through us in the world. Amen.

JoAnn: Let us offer to one another a sign of our peace and love.

Invitation to Communion: JoAnn

Everyone is welcome to this table.

Our God, whom the universe cannot contain, is present to us in this bread.

Our God, who redeems us and calls us by name, now meets us in this cup.

So come, Beloved Friends, and take this bread, drink this wine. In them, God comes to us, so that we may come to God.

Pat: We invite everyone now to partake of this communion we share. (As the cup is passed, if you choose, please only dip the bread into the cup)

Communion Song: Nothing Can Trouble You - Nada Te Turbe

Nada Te Turbe, nada te_espante. Quien a Dios tiene nada le falta. Nada Te Turbe, nada te_espante. Solo Dios basta. Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten, Those who seek God shall never go wanting. Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten. God alone fills us.

CLOSING Song: Now in Peace, O God

Now in peace, O God, let your servant go. Alleluia! Alleluia!

For my eyes have seen your salvation! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Blessing: Victoria

Come Christ Jesus, lover of the earth, lead us with our grief, as we walk with you on the road that the earth may be healed.

Come, Holy Spirit hovering over the water and guide us as we sail to you, while being present to our grief that the waters may flow with life.

Come, you angels of the fire and light and show us how to dance with you and be present to our grief that in the light may be born the flame of love.

Come, you breath of the air, and inspire us who grieve with the breath of you, that the air may reverberate with the sound of the word.

Come, Lady Mary and the saints of heaven and help us to pray with you, as we are present to our grief that the earth may be redeemed through the love of Christ.

All: And the good people of Emmaus say Amen, Alleluia, Alleluia

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