Monday, August 12, 2024: Emmaus Elections!
Bylaws Approved!
Upcoming Election for new board members of Emmaus in 2 weeks:
Sunday, August 25, 2024.
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
At yesterday's liturgy celebration we completed the first stages of our work on electing 2 new board members.
We first started by having a discussion of the changes to the bylaws which led to unanimous approval by our community gathered for the liturgy at Knox and on Zoom.
Printed copies of the full bylaws document is attached.
The major changes are simple: We have decided to decrease the number of Board members from 7 to 5. Their terms of office will be 2 years with the possibility of 2 additional terms. Once new Board members are elected, the members of the Board will decide among themselves the following responsibilities:
1. Chairperson
2. Vice Chairperson
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Director at Large
David, Linda and Peter have agreed to stay on the board for one year in order to create continuity and fulfill the new model of electing new board members on a rotating basis.
Additional changes to the Bylaws: Meetings will be held on a more formal schedule as will elections, which will be held annually on the 4th Sunday of August.
Yesterday, Sunday August 11th we received nominations to fill the two vacant seats from several members who stepped forward:
In alphabetical order by last name:
Marcie Dahlen
Denise Dixon
Mary FitzGerald
Dan Vrooman
If you would like to place your name in nomination please make that known this week. We will place your name in nomination along with the 4 already announced with the deciding vote on Sunday August 25th.
All members of the Emmaus Community can (and we hope) will participate in voting . You may enter your vote from ZOOM, on the phone or via email to current board chairman David Carlson at
Once the new board members are chosen the board members themselves will decide the positions they will assume on the board.
In brief:
- The Chairperson is responsible for holding regular board meetings and large community meetings. She/he will coordinate with committee members as they make decisions about events, retreats and liturgies.
- The Vice Chairperson is an organizer who works with all the board members to make sure our community processes run smoothly.
- The Secretary takes notes at board meetings and helps collect announcements.
- The Treasurer handles the finances and works with the Tithing Committee to disburse our funds.
The Director at Large position provides support to all the members of the board.
Here is the document with the full Bylaws for downloading:
Tonight: Documentary: "Bad Faith: Christianity's Unholy War on Democracy" is a feature-length documentary on the rise of Christian Nationalism in the US and its origins in white supremacy and institutional racism
Join us for a screening and facilitated discussion about the implications of Christian nationalism and white supremacy in our present political moment
Monday, August 12
6PM (doors open @ 5:30pm) Christ Church United Methodist
1717 Yulupa Ave. Santa Rosa, CA or join via zoom: