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Our Vision: 

Emmaus is an inclusive community of faith inspired by a shared Eucharist and a passionate commitment to peace and social justice.

​We meet in Person and on ZOOM:

Celebrations on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. We gather at 3:45 pm. Our celebration begins at 4:00 pm. followed by an amazing potluck. All are welcome!

In Person: We meet at 

Knox Presbyterian & Thanksgiving Lutheran Churches

1650 W. Third St.

Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Join Zoom Meeting
Passcode: 1234


Meeting ID: 519 315 8573
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,5193158573# US (San Jose)

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We have fun together and we welcome new folks to share with us.

Our Mission:

We formed for the specific purpose of transforming ourselves into better, more caring and compassionate people by practicing with each other, sharing our prayer lives and the gift of the shared Eucharistic meal. 


We hope and pray that our transformation will lead to greater transformation within our community, our cities, states and country and even the Catholic Church.

We reach out to learn and to share our faith with others: Here Victoria MacDonald of Emmaus talks with Father Greg Boyle, founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles.

We're committed to serving the poor and the unhoused.

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